Benutzer Diskussion:Col. o'neill/Archiv/2016
Dies ist eine Auflistung erledigter Diskussionen meiner Diskussionsseite von 2016. Die abgeschlossenen Diskussionen von 2015 findet man hier, die von 2017 hier (siehe auch Übersicht). Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
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Hallo. Am 5. Januar 2015 hast du Benutzer:Phorgo die Sichterrechte entzogen (schon über ein Jahr her); bin gerade darüber gestolpert, also ich nach Phorgo gegoogelt habe um in Erinnerungen zu schwelgen. Da muss ich dir leider mitteilen, wenn auch extrem verspätet, dass Phorgo sich am 18.04.2015 tragischerweise das Leben genommen hat. Nachzulesen hier. Phorgo war auf vielen Wikis aktiv, überwiegend auf der Stupidedia, aber auch im Pokemo- und Zelda-Wiki. Vieleicht trägt der Hinweise dazu bei, dass Phorgo noch mehr Menschen in Erinnerung bleibt.-- 10:28, 31. Jan. 2016 (CET)
- Ich lese in deinem Link den 13.08.2014, nicht den 18.04.2015. Aber wie auch immer - uff, von sowas zu hören ist schwer. Einen guten Mitarbeiter wie Phorgo zu verlieren ist schon nicht schön, dann aber auf diese Weise... Puh. Danke für die Info... --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
18:05, 31. Jan. 2016 (CET)
Hi Col. o'neill
Hi I am big fan of Stargate. Not only Main and Supporting characters but also minor and extras. I hope that dont mind if I will speak english on your talk page. I also want ask how with creating characters. Can I ask you for creating? I am czech and I cannot deutsch. Only with translate but it will be difficult. --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 13:06, 30. Dez. 2015 (CET)
- Uhm... Well that's unsusual to say the least. I'm not sure though whether I understand your question. Do you want to create character articles (or list entries) here or is it somehow RPG-related? Because this is not an RPG or just an online forum for Stargate. This is an online-encyclopedia about Stargate... in German (for now at least).
- But as you're Czech... Would you mind having a look at this table which is supposed to list everything Czech Zelenka said in SGA. Especially at what he said in 2x13 'Critical Mass' to Rodney. Is that „Ty vole“ or something else? And what do those mean:
- „Můžeš mi dát ty nejnovější data, prosim? Já se s tímhle nemůžu hnout.“
- „To je ono, my to máme.“
- „Stoji to za nic a reje to do ucha.“
- The translation of these sentences in the article is pretty much what would make sense, but I'm not sure it they are actually correct. If you could translate those to English, that would be great! :) --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
13:36, 30. Dez. 2015 (CET)
- Yes it is really „Ty vole“. It is sometime really difficult determine what exactly he mean because his lines probably wasn't in screenplay. Can you create both Airman from The Scourge? If you can add all which can be seen in episode, on unknown characters I will be glad :) --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 18:41, 30. Dez. 2015 (CET)
- I'm still not entirely sure what you mean by adding or creating characters. Do you mean adding articles or list entries about them to the Wiki? That's something not only I can do, but you as well. Everyone actually. When I get to see the episode again and those aren't added yet, I'm going to do it, but I don't know yet when that'll be... Looking at the episode article though, I only see one Airman. Is there another one with enough relevance to write an article about him (or even a name)? Because not every single person ever appearing in an episode is actually relevant enough to have an article about...
- Thank you for looking up that Czech sentence! :) Could you have a look at the other three I listed above as well? --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
23:30, 30. Dez. 2015 (CET)
- Also, what does Radek say in 5x18 'Identity' after „To by bylo nejlepší“? It sounds like „Toby bylo nejlepší, kdyby jsme je takhle oba.“, but that's just a guess by someone who doesn't speak any Czech whatsoever... --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
01:28, 31. Dez. 2015 (CET)
- I'm still not entirely sure what you mean by adding or creating characters. Do you mean adding articles or list entries about them to the Wiki? That's something not only I can do, but you as well. Everyone actually. When I get to see the episode again and those aren't added yet, I'm going to do it, but I don't know yet when that'll be... Looking at the episode article though, I only see one Airman. Is there another one with enough relevance to write an article about him (or even a name)? Because not every single person ever appearing in an episode is actually relevant enough to have an article about...
- Yes it is really „Ty vole“. It is sometime really difficult determine what exactly he mean because his lines probably wasn't in screenplay. Can you create both Airman from The Scourge? If you can add all which can be seen in episode, on unknown characters I will be glad :) --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 18:41, 30. Dez. 2015 (CET)
I will look on Radek quotes. In the scourge were many Airmans on Gamma Site. As you say some of them are not rellevant to have single page but extras should be here. Link: But Airman Walker Link: is too relevant have own page. --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 11:43, 31. Dez. 2015 (CET)
And I added HD Screencaps on Stargate Wikia to Airman eaten by swarm of R75 and I think his name said MCLEOD but check for yourself. Link: Link: Link: --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 11:47, 31. Dez. 2015 (CET)
Please. --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 15:59, 31. Dez. 2015 (CET)
I am unable to do that. Please suprise me. I will look on Zelenka quotes.--Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 21:38, 31. Dez. 2015 (CET)
- I'm going to have a look at it as soon as I get to it (tomorrow probably). No rush, it's New Year's Eve. ;) --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
22:14, 31. Dez. 2015 (CET)
Ok. :) --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 22:18, 31. Dez. 2015 (CET)
So... Not quite "tomorrow". It took me a bit longer than I expected, but now I've added all of the missing ones. You were right about McLeod's name, you can find him here and the other one here. --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
01:03, 6. Jan. 2016 (CET)
Thanks. --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 16:31, 6. Jan. 2016 (CET)
Any news on the Zelenka quotes, Matthew Bowyer Fan? --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
02:45, 12. Feb. 2016 (CET)
Happy Birthday, the 7th
Und schon wieder isses n Jahr mehr... Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! --D5B Offline - Diskussion 16:52, 16. Feb. 2016 (CET)
- Dankeschön!
--Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
18:58, 16. Feb. 2016 (CET)
He was portrayed by Paul Telfer. I obviously can edit page himself I just want give you proof.
--Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 09:25, 4. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- Thank you, it's now added to the article! By the way, any news on the Zelenka quotes? (see this discussion half a year ago) ;) --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
18:05, 4. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
I had not almost time to check. I have all SG-1 Episodes in bad quality on DVD. I have SGA Before I sleep, Stargate Movie on DVD and SG-1 Ethon and The Scourge in 720 HD. Could you Please add Porro and Reilly? From Stargate (1994). Thanks. --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 19:21, 4. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
Plus: We were able identify four unknown Horus. First two for sure.
Link: Link:
--Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 19:24, 4. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
Which dialogues of Zelenka you are not sure? I will look on it probably tomorrow. --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 23:11, 4. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- The Zelenka quotes in question are:
- 1x04 'Thirty-Eight Minutes': Not sure what „Můžeš mi dát ty nejnovější data, prosim? Já se s tímhle nemůžu hnout.“ and „To je ono, my to máme.“ means
- 5x05 'Ghost in the machine': „Stoji to za nic a reje to do ucha.“ - again, not sure what it means
- 5x18 'Identity': What does he say after „To by bylo nejlepší“? It sounds like „Toby bylo nejlepší, kdyby jsme je takhle oba.“, but that's just a guess by someone who doesn't speak any Czech whatsoever. ;)
- Thanks for the info about the Horus guards! Right now I have a lot on my plate so it's going to take some time until I'll get to these characters, but sooner or later I will (or someone else before me). --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
01:20, 5. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
Loder' death and Zelenka quotes
Ok, I will look on quotes. Do you only want know what exactly he said? Or also translate?
I was all time wonder what exactly was Loder's death cause, When he stand up, Unas start run towards on him. He start shot him, several times and Unas crashed him to side and knocked Daniel and dragged him away. I also thought that when they examined his body, he lying too close forest than where he stand during shootings.
Yesterday I found an answer: Loder was also portrayed by Todd Scott who performed his death. He have in his reel deleted shot from episode. Loder die being thrown over tree.
--Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 09:28, 5. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- The translation of the Zelenka quotes is more important, but if what he actually says in Czech is different from the Czech sentences I wrote (meaning, different from what's in the article), then it would be great if you could also correct the wrong Czech quotes.
- As for Loder: I listened to the audio commentary the episode and you're right. Todd Scott portrayed Loder for that scene. Thanks!
- --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
17:20, 5. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- 1x04 'Thirty-Eight Minutes': Can you give me the newest data, please? I can not move with this. " That's it, we have it.
- 5x05 'Ghost in the machine': It's worth nothing and whirl it in your ear.
- 5x18 'Identity' it sounds like: Kdyby jsme je takhle oba. But his words are interrupted so I'm not sure. --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 18:37, 5. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
When you will add Horus guards? --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 14:38, 10. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- First of all: Thank you very much for the Zelenka quotes! In 1x04, what does he mean by "I can not move with this"? Is it that he can't "work" with this data or what is it that he can't move? And in 5x05, what's meant by "whirl it in your ear"?
- As for the Horus guards: As I said, right now there's a lot on my plate so I'm not sure when I'll get to it because I want to watch the movie scenes in which these characters appear to see if there's more to say about them. I hope to get to it next weekend, but I can't promise that. What I can promise though is that it'll definitely be done within the next four weeks (I'll have a lot more free time in August).
- --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
16:52, 10. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- I have now added the two Horus guards (Yay, way before August!
), you can find them here. --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
02:33, 18. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- Thanks. Will you also add some atlantis soldiers? I mean background ones and add them in Liste von Nebencharakteren. Can you? Just play episodes when you have time and grabs them. The same like soldiers from Suspicion have that. --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 02:39, 18. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- Liste von Nebencharakteren is just for the minor / supporting characters that actually have something to say about them (just not enough to make a whole article about them), so of course it's not supposed to contain every soldier who stands in the background of a frame for a second or two. But if the character fits the criteria (i.e. he's relevant enough), then yes, I can and will add him when I watch an episode and find one (as well as the time to add him of course). I'm not the only editor here though, so others can do that, too, when they like and find time to do it.
- Oh and there were some things about the Zelenka translations I didn't quite understand, could you have a look that the questions I asked about that (16:52, 10. Jul. 2016)?
- --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
03:02, 18. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- I think that Zelenka thought data. I can't better translate "whirl it in your ear" but I think, he thought that it was very annoying. Now, Can you Please watch Rising for Soldiers? --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 12:02, 18. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- Alright, thanks! As for Rising, according to this checklist, another user has already had a look at the entire Atlantis pilot for characters with enough relevance. I'm assuming there's not much more to be found in the episode than what he has already added. When I'll watch Atlantis again, which will probably take a while, I can look out for more characters suitable for an entry but I don't think there's going to be much more of them. --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
12:45, 18. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- Alright, thanks! As for Rising, according to this checklist, another user has already had a look at the entire Atlantis pilot for characters with enough relevance. I'm assuming there's not much more to be found in the episode than what he has already added. When I'll watch Atlantis again, which will probably take a while, I can look out for more characters suitable for an entry but I don't think there's going to be much more of them. --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
- I think that Zelenka thought data. I can't better translate "whirl it in your ear" but I think, he thought that it was very annoying. Now, Can you Please watch Rising for Soldiers? --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 12:02, 18. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- Thanks. Will you also add some atlantis soldiers? I mean background ones and add them in Liste von Nebencharakteren. Can you? Just play episodes when you have time and grabs them. The same like soldiers from Suspicion have that. --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 02:39, 18. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
Two in Rising were taken along with Bates and Sumner. They and Bates were rescued but Sumner was killed. I don't know if this is enough relevant but they also appeared in many episodes after. One of them played by Colin Decker was even credited for Adrift. --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 13:36, 18. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
Wraith Warrior
The hair these Wraiths have aren't natural, right? Or yes but it not growing out of their head but from their mask which looked like brain? --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 21:29, 25. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
- Hmm... Interesting question. I'm not entirely sure if it was ever explicitly said in the series but I do think it is naturally growing out of their heads. The only times we see the warriors without the mask is right after they were "born" (4x12 'Spoils of War') and after they had been infected in 5x17 'Infection'. Both times there's no hair as well (as far as I remember it's the only times we see them without hair), but I would say that it just wasn't growing yet right after birth (4x12) and it wasn't growing anymore after the infection (5x17). --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
21:47, 25. Jul. 2016 (CEST)
Walker and Stevens (Atlantis)
I believe that black one is portrayed by Andre Benjamin.
Who played guard in Suspicion.
--Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 22:13, 3. Aug. 2016 (CEST)
- What's the source? I don't see any Stargate entries on his IMDB... As for wether or not the two soldiers are the same, it's very difficult to see in the image from Suspicion, so there would have to be a valid source for that as well. --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
22:30, 3. Aug. 2016 (CEST)
- I don't have source but his face came look same.
- Here he is in Suspicion better seen:
- On Link you sent me is another person. One who played in Stargate is here:
- and here is his fb
- --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 22:39, 3. Aug. 2016 (CEST)
- Oh, you're right, my bad. I just picked the first name match in the IMDb search that came up without taking a closer look... :/ I have now watched both scenes but it's still difficult to tell. The one in 2x08 'Conversion' doesn't talk (I had hoped for voice comparison) and the one in 1x05 'Suspicion' has almost half of his head covered by that cap. There's no entry in the credits of 'Conversion', there's only an audio commentary for 'Conversion' and he isn't mentioned there, and I can't really find anything online stating Benjamin did more than that one episode of SGA. They do look a bit similar but without a valid source there is no way to be certain... --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
23:41, 3. Aug. 2016 (CEST)
- Oh, you're right, my bad. I just picked the first name match in the IMDb search that came up without taking a closer look... :/ I have now watched both scenes but it's still difficult to tell. The one in 2x08 'Conversion' doesn't talk (I had hoped for voice comparison) and the one in 1x05 'Suspicion' has almost half of his head covered by that cap. There's no entry in the credits of 'Conversion', there's only an audio commentary for 'Conversion' and he isn't mentioned there, and I can't really find anything online stating Benjamin did more than that one episode of SGA. They do look a bit similar but without a valid source there is no way to be certain... --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
Ok. Lynda Riley played Brunette in Home. She was also in Rising: but was uncredited.
That Athosian: name is Toran and he was played Stefano DiMatteo
--Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 23:56, 3. Aug. 2016 (CEST)
Did you check? --Matthew Bowyer Fan (Diskussion) 00:30, 5. Aug. 2016 (CEST)
- I have now. Thanks again for the info, I've added it to the entries for both characters. --Col. o'neill ( Ich bin gerade offline | Admin | Kontakt)
03:40, 5. Aug. 2016 (CEST)